Altagracia’s School – Giving Back

Altagracia’s School and Home
He's a ham!
He’s a ham!

We enjoyed our time in Luperon, and tried to repay some of the hospitality we enjoyed by doing some good while we were there.

With the crew of another boat (Tanda Malaika – who you may remember from our Crooked Island story), we found a teacher – Altagracia – running a small school from her home. We thought for sure she would know of some needs in the community, so we went to ask her. It turned out that she needed some help herself. Read more

Those Dominican Ball Players!

This guy!
This guy!

Those Dominican Baseball Players!

One of our goals while traveling is to get involved in the communities where we stay. In Luperon, we

Motorbike + chain link and log = prepping the field.
Motorbike + chain link and log = prepping the field.

have found that easy. The people are lovely and kind. Relative to our “old normal”, they have little, but they share everything they have with anyone who needs it. They greet each other with “Mi Amor!” or “Mi Corazon!” and an embrace and a kiss. It’s a beautiful culture. Read more

What about the Stuff???

“A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.” ~ George Carlin

Moving Day

Living aboard a boat or in a tiny house. That thought crosses lots of peoples’ minds, apparently. It’s a beautiful, romantic thought. But then comes another thought – not as romantic. That second thought is about your stuff. It is paralyzing to think about dealing with all the accumulated stuff that life has piled on you throught the years. At least, that’s how it seemed for me. We had lived in the same house for 22 years. When I say the amount of stuff we had accumulated was overwhelming, that is a huge understatement. Every closet, it seemed, was full of things kept “just in case” or for sentimental reasons. And so many duplicates! Did I really need four pairs of red heels? Three slightly different 1.5 quart saucepans? Why did I have four bottles of soft scrub? Who knows? But that kind of excess wasn’t going to cut it on the boat; I knew that.

So, how to begin the process? For me, it ended up having two phases: One, a leisurely, one-small-bite-at-a-time, year-long effort, approached with the ambition of someone under no time constraints whatsoever (read: no ambition, really…) and the other, a three week mad dash like my hair was on fire, ending with hauling a trailer containing all the things that remained to the boat to move aboard. I recommend a more balanced approach. Your blood pressure would thank you, I am sure! Read more