Cay Hopping to Georgetown


Alan hunting a big grouper
Alan hunting a big grouper

We left Staniel Cay with the intention to get to Georgetown pretty quickly, but in short hops. We pulled into a different anchorage each night, and left early in the mornings.

First we stopped at Little Farmers Cay. Our timing was off for the tides, so it was a really sporty ride getting through the cut, but we made it without incident. This is the first place we’ve been where our Navionics charts have been WAY off. They showed 1-3 feet of water in a large area where we found nothing less than eight feet. Fortunately, by now we felt pretty confident in our ability to read the water, so we proceeded with caution, and were fine. Our ancient Explorer Charts showed more depth, and were ultimately more accurate, and that also gave us confidence. We had a nice evening there visiting with the crew of s/v Monarch, who pulled in right after us from the other side. We took off as soon as we had decent light in the morning. Leaving, we also sailed right over water marked on the chart as 3.5 – 4 feet, but had plenty of depth: 8 feet or more again. We re-entered the Atlantic side of the water through Galliot Cay Cut, and were stunned at the beauty of that area. We hated to pass it by, and I’m sure we’ll return someday. Read more

Cambridge Cay and Staniel Cay

Consort moored at Cambridge Cay
Consort moored at Cambridge Cay


Blue fish - I love these little guys!
Blue fish – I love these little guys!

We arrived Cambridge Cay without much fuss and right on schedule with the tides, so there was zero drama getting through the cut there. We picked up a mooring, and within minutes a park ranger came by to check on us. I guess he decided we were on the up and up, because he smiled and said he’d see us later. Nice security, and surprising, considering the remoteness of the place. Read more

Those Dominican Ball Players!

This guy!
This guy!

Those Dominican Baseball Players!

One of our goals while traveling is to get involved in the communities where we stay. In Luperon, we

Motorbike + chain link and log = prepping the field.
Motorbike + chain link and log = prepping the field.

have found that easy. The people are lovely and kind. Relative to our “old normal”, they have little, but they share everything they have with anyone who needs it. They greet each other with “Mi Amor!” or “Mi Corazon!” and an embrace and a kiss. It’s a beautiful culture. Read more