Finally Up and Running

Finally Up and Running

For my first post, I will tell you that setting up a website was a little harder than I thought.  There are many choices to be made such as what to name the site, securing the url, picking a company to host your site, choosing free or professional designs, plug-ins, themes, backgrounds, pages, categories…the list just goes on and on.  All the web companies say it is so easy anybody can do it.  Well, maybe so, but I wanted a very easy way to set up an incredible website while spending zero $.  Before you get too excited about that prospect, it does cost a little more than nothing and “easy” means something a little different to everyone.

Cheri and I both knew we needed to get it up and running at some point so she took the initiative and secured through Bluehost.  We chose wordpress on the recommendation of other cruiser/bloggers.

I have been playing with the site for a few days and plan to write about what I find over the next few weeks.  I have very little experience in this area so, hopefully, it will be good info for any other non-techy types thinking of setting up their own.

To my family and friends, I hope to keep this site interesting enough to earn a visit every now and then.

Living Life Loving,